1938 - 1960s

The "Buenas Nuevas" label is associated with a fascinating chapter in the history of phonographic records, particularly within the context of spiritual and evangelical recordings.

Originally, the label was used by Gospel Recordings, a project initiated by Ms. Joy Ridderhof on 31st December 1938 in her hometown near Los Angeles, aimed at recording Christian teachings and spreading them across the globe. These recordings were made in an astonishing variety of languages and dialects, targeting remote and diverse ethnic groups.

By the mid-20th century, specifically from the 1950s, these recordings became a crucial method for preserving the linguistic and cultural heritage of many communities, especially as languages began to merge and evolve. The label's efforts extended beyond simple evangelical purposes; they provided valuable assets for linguists and historians interested in the ethnolinguistic profiles of various regions like Australia or on the Indian subcontinent where recordings were made in nearly 100 languages and dialects​​.

Regarding the physical attributes of the Buenas Nuevas records, by the mid-1950s, they were pressed on 8" vinyl with a lateral groove, indicating the label's adaptation to the prevailing formats of the time for audio recording and playback​​.

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